Barbara Samitier Landscape and Garden Design

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Here are a few small and easy steps to make your garden more eco friendly and why it is important to do so.

Gardens are mini nature reserves and play a vital role in supporting our ecosystem and biodiversity. Here are some easy steps to make your garden more eco friendly. 

1 Leave a pile of logs in a corner of the garden. 

Or build, stack a log wall as a feature. This will provide shelter and a breeding for a wide range of creatures. Try and not disturb but you can gently lift logs to see your new thriving insect world.

It’s a good idea to place the log pile near a pond so it will provide a hibernation spot for frogs and toads. Plus they can feast on some on the insects that live in the log pile too.

2 Compost 

One of the best way to lower your carbon footprint while giving your plants the BEST food possible is to compost your food waste. Feel free to email me if you need some advice/ pointers on compost bins, composting etc.

Leaf compost is horticultural gold for your plants. Now is the time to buy a few jute sacks, so you’re ready to fill them with Autumn leaves, and stack in a corner of your garden. Leave a layer in your borders, they will protect your herbaceous plants from the cold. 

Wool compost

If you need to buy some new compost, I can not recommend wool compost such as Dalefoot compost highly enough. You can buy it online, in bags or bulk or in some local nurseries. It is by far the most environmental friendly compost. It’s slightly more expansive than most composts but it releases nutrients slowly so less need to keep on adding compost and excellent water retention , so less watering required. 

3 Provide food, water and habitat for pollinators.

Plant food (plants for pollinators), water (a shallow dish filled with water and a few pebbles) and nest sites for wild bees.

More info on our website and here.

4 Don’t use chemicals and pesticides.

Avoid using pesticides whenever possible. We now know that using chemicals in gardens is counterproductive as they destroy the whole ecosystem of the garden. So basically they kill the bug but in the process they destroy the food chain including the bug’s predators. 

5 Don’t be too tidy, loosen up a little.

Resist the urge to tidy up too much in autumn. Seed heads left uncut will be enjoyed by birds (and look great!). Plant stems and leaves area great place for creepy crawlies to shelter. Perennials left standing will help overwintering insects such as ladybirds. 

If you want to find out more, head towards this brilliant, user-friendly website: Wild about gardens


The RHS is extremely concerned about pollinators decline and wants to encourage garden owners to continue to support these vital insects. 

A garden brimming with wildlife is magical and much more attractive.