logs in gardens



I like a pile of logs! Log walls have started to feature regularly in my gardens as an ornamental feature in their own right. Logs piled in an orderly manner are attractive and can anchor an area, add texture in the simplest, pared down but yet effective manner. The logs in this picture were sourced from a local tree surgeon, it was just a question of finding a tree surgeon with very particular attention to detail so that the logs had already been sorted in sizes and neatly stored in his yard. I have previously spent hours sorting logs so that they sit well together…never again!

I love the contrast between natural material and their neat arrangement which turns the pile into a feature.  I, of course, also love the fact that I know it will provide shelter to millions of insects (think stag beetles, habitat preservation, etc) and some small mammals. Which of course in my view adds a lot of value and makes them even more desirable as long as the logs are sourced locally (ideally on the developed site) and from a well managed forest.
